Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today Mary and Carey arrive to visit us for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am very excited to see them, since it's been since this summer and even then our visit with Carey was quite brief. This will be Carey's first time to see our house - she and Chris visited TX while Charlie was deployed back in aught-Five and I only had my dirty, stinky, cheap-ol' apartment. I wish the place was decorated a bit nicer and all that, but too bad for me :) This is real life, no sense wasting a wish for silly things like that!

Kirby has been especially ornery lately with Sammie, which will make having guests more "interesting" (read: stressful). She has an infection in her rear end and a cortisone shot plus two rounds of antibiotics haven't done the trick yet...we go back to the vet on Monday morning to see what the next step is for her. Maybe another round of antibiotics and at the end of the day an option could be surgery. I'm not ruling out surgery yet, but I sure hope we don't have to put Stinky on the table for her rear. Gross.

The shuttle mission is going on quite nicely and this is my weekend off before working the next 7-8 days straight on the afternoon/night shift. I start on Monday (yes, just when the family gets to town) but luckily a friend and I worked out a plan for Thanksgiving so I can have an early one with the fam. Yay!!

That's all for now!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hi There

Not much has been happening around this joint lately - except for the beautiful weather!

Charlie finally took his motorcycle class this past weekend and today he got to the DPS and is officially a motorcycle-rated licensee!! Congrats sweetie :) Soon he'll probably be vroom-ing around the neighborhood on his swanky Buell.

Tomorrow is Veteran's Day and for the first time ever Charlie and I have the day off. Yes, he's a veteran, so it works out pretty well - don't you think?? :D

Hopefully we'll get a chance to have a nice picnic tomorrow, though the weather doesn't seem to be holding out so well...either way I'll be hanging with my dude tomorrow and it'll be awesome.

Hug a veteran near you tomorrow, they've earned it!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Votes Are In!

...well, almost. I can't wait for the election to be over.

Regardless of whom you chose, I hope you all voted and made your voice heard! Maybe someday the popular vote will really matter since we are all capable of getting the information and selecting an appropriate victor...

Congrats to Senator __________ on the big win!
See you in January :)