Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day One - A New Blog Dawns on the Horizon

Today is the first day of our new "blog". We don't particularly like the word "blog", but sometimes we do things we don't particularly "blog."

So, here we are - finally in the 21st century. Sure, we still don't have cable tv, a tivo/dvr or the like, but we do have the "internet". Sweet, sweet internet. Sweet, sweet quotations.

For the benefit of all of our friends and most specifically our family from whom we are separated, Charlie and I decided to succumb to the popular pressure of blogging and get a website. Family, we do this for you.

We hope this will spurn in you, dear readers, a collective feeling of involvement in our daily lives. For all you FatMar and Jaimers lovers out there, this one's for you.

We miss you - C&J (and Sammie and Kirby)


Mrs. T said...

Yay for a Jaime & Chuck blog! :) Miss you too honey! I'll see you in a month (or a little more...)

Kathy Strandmark said...

This is a great idea. I miss you guys too!

Love you!


Kathy said...

Ok, I already forgot my password. YIKES! this things drive me crazy!!!

Anyhoo! Happy belated anniversary!!! Can't wait to see you both (and the girls) in October.

Love Mom

Kathy said...

OK, i am NOT going to come down this October!!!!! (only kidding)

The spider looks like the ones we saw at Challanger park. YUCK!

What's up with the snakes? What do you mean they were in the walls? Will they eat dogs b/f humans? (maybe i will have Sammy and Kirby sleep with me!)