Monday, January 28, 2008


We were recently in Minnesota (see blog entry on that later) and one of the good things I came away from that trip with was an amazing scone recipe from Charlie's wonderful Godparent and renowned spitfire, Jeanne.

These scones were the most delicious, mouth-watering baked goods I had eaten in ages - not to mention they were scones! If you've never had a scone, they are almost always ill-fated to be dry, tasteless, flour-packed little wedges of sadness. But THESE, these were magnificent. Moist, taste-filled, delectable little tidbits of happiness. A much-needed happiness indeed.

Charlie's sisters and I debated about who would get to take the scones home to eat and who would get the last morsel. I did not win out, but now I am the owner of the recipe and let me tell you: scones do NOT taste the same as Jeanne's.

Sure, I've never made scones and after having tasted my fair share of chalky ones, I should expect that mine would be less-than perfect on the first go. The batch I made was relatively moist and they certainly were tasty, but I've got some practice to do. There must be some secret to whipping them up.

So, H-Town, get ready for some scones.

ps: Thanks to Jeanne for a great recipe for delumptuous scone snacks!

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