Sunday, April 27, 2008

Election Hoo-Ha

I am not known for my depth of knowledge in all things political. In any "things political" actually. Charlie has been trying to remedy this ever since we met. I now vote in every election (except the ones I miss) for everything. Well, maybe against some things too, but you get the point. I have made a conscious effort to disregard all things 2008 Presidential Election-y until recently, since the past year of campaigning has worn on me in its ridiculousness. Has it even been a whole year of campaigning yet? I don't know, but it seems like 10 if it's been 1, so either way, it's been too long already.

I only bring it up now because we're coming down to the wire for Democratic candidates and it might be time to pay a little attention. I stopped paying attention to the Republican candidate mess as soon as everyone else dropped out of the race, leaving a lone McCain.
In an effort to "pay attention" to this thing called politics, I watched one of the recent debates on television. It might have been the first debate I have ever seen in my 29 years of living. It might also have been my last, but that's debatable (pun intended). What silly questions they ask! Who cares why Barak Obama doesn't wear a flag pin? It's like asking why he doesn't wear pleated pants. Totally irrelevant to any kind of issue America should care about and certainly not worth wasting air time but more importantly, MY TIME, on. I find it interesting and a lot of times disheartening the things candidates will do to garner attention - the recent WWE ads in particular. Sure, it might show they aren't such stuffed shirts after all, but c'mon. "Can you smell what Barak is cookin'?" Ouch. Clever, yes. I have to admit that I laughed at it. But really? Wasted campaign funds and precious campaign time spent on something so silly.
Anyway, I didn't write this for any particular reason. Just some thoughts going on in my head about the campaigning right now.

Oh yeah, one more thing: Charlie has gotten me into watching The Daily Show and the Colbert Report. I love it. If you know either of our personalities, you will understand why we like those shows so much. Especially the Colbert Report...and that damn screaming eagle. It gets me every time.

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