Sunday, June 7, 2009


For some reason, this season has more mosquitos than I can remember since moving to TX in aught-one. There is an abundance of them everywhere I go, which includes (but is not limited to) my backyard, the inside of my car, the trail by my house, and my living room.

Yes, Minnesota really probably wins the trophy for most mosquitos (and biggest ones), but I do not remember them being as irritating and blood-thirsty as the bad boys we have right now. I have bites on the tops of my toes, backs of my knees (the worst!) and today, one little guy even took a chomp out of my lady nether-regions. Seriously.

Why this year is so bad, I do not know. What I do hope is that by some twist of fate their numbers will dissipate and I do not have to keep slathering myself in DEET or some other outrageous chemical that is likely to seep into my system and wreak havoc.

I hope you are all keeping 'skito free.

(scratch, scratch, scratch)


Erin said...

omg i'm totally with you! i'm outside for 5 minutes to water my 'maters and i come in with 10 new bites per day! so annoying!

ACQ said...

We've noticed that too! I think there was a lot of standing water left after those big rains and the lil buggers just bred like crazy!