Thursday, October 4, 2007

Travel & Travel Some More

Today I get to go to MN for the first time since Christmas of 2006, I think. I get to see my Dad and my pregnant sister (and excited husband/family) for the first time since hearing the news way back when (yes Mom, you too - but you I've seen!). She's due in early/mid December and so by now her tummy is full of Baby Turner! She's super cute in her pictures she sends me, so I really can't wait to see her and poke at her belly in person...I hear pregnant people loooooooooooooooooove that, right? Maybe I'll even whisper a few things to the little Turnball in person. We'll see :)

Visiting Minnesota for another rousing round of rush-rush travel as usual, but the family baby shower should be fun (oh yeah, did I mention that's why I'm going?) and I look forward to seeing small-people items like little blue socks and squeezie toys. No wait, that's for dogs. No wait, it can be for babies too! Yesssss. Point for Jaime. My bestest friend Jenny would be so mad to hear that I'm comparing people and dogs. According to her, they're absolutely not the same! Just wait until her husband convinces her to get a dog...then she'll see.

Anyway, I'm off to MN for a late-night arrival tonight and then afternoon departure, evening-return to Houston on Sunday. Mom flies in to H-town on Monday evening to graciously watch our house and dogs (and work), and then Charlie and I leave for Switzerland on Tuesday for 9 days. Schew! Lots of travel, but fun Fun FUN!

That is all.

ps: I guess that was not all, but this should be all - Charlie will someday recount his surfing tales, just be patient :)

1 comment:

Mrs. T said...

Oh and you had your fair share of belly button playing this past weekend! Thank you so much for the shower. I really can not even thank you guys enough! It was amazing and I loved every single minute of it.

See you soon honey! I love you!