Sunday, October 28, 2007

Tha Latest Haps

As many of you are hopefully aware, there is a space shuttle mission going on right now. This fact keeps Charlie and I pretty busy these days, often working long hours for "the man" only to come home to relax with a couple hours of good old-fashioned classwork. Ahhhhhhhh, sounds very zen-like, I know.
It is all for a good cause, no doubt, but it sure does seem daunting sometimes. I have 2 years of school left before I graduate with my MS in Astro-super-nautical Engineering and Charlie has only a couple classes left before his MS in Electrical Enginerding. Boy, I can hardly wait already for school to be done and I know Char-lez feels the same way. Today happens to be one of those busy, long days.
While I was working over this beautifully sunny Houston weekend, it will come as no surprise to anyone that Charlie re-wired our living room to accommodate mounting our entertainment speakers on the wall (yay!). After much ado with some floor joists and a 2' long drill bit, he successfully got his project completed today. Good thing he's so smart, because MAN, that's a lot of work for one guy to get done. He prepositioned some wiring, too, for the patio speakers we don't have yet and don't have a plan least the wires are in place so he doesn't have to do it all again :)
After this mission lands, I go to work for the Space Station program for 7 days straight (I think I have a day off before that stint begins?), have a couple days in the office, then we both head back to MN for Thanksgiving with our families. It will be really good to see Charlie's family again! The week after we get back from Thanksgiving I will be in meetings all week and then on Friday 11/29 I head to Munich, Germany for work. I will be there (in theory) for the first week and a half of the next shuttle mission scheduled to launch in early December. If the stars align just right, Charlie will be joining me in Munich for xmas and a mini-vacation until ~12/29 when we'll return to TX. least that's the "plan" for now. Hey, spending a month in Germany isn't all that bad, right?
In addition, I talked to my good friend Ryan Weston from trampoline today and the National Trampoline Team is getting ready for the 2007 World Championships in Quebec City ( It makes me nostalgic for yesteryear when I used to do all that fun stuff too. Maybe a comeback is in my future!...HA! I'm sure my coach Dima would get a kick out of that, not to mention the T&T Program as well...and my family. But I digress...I wish them the best in that competition and will be thinking about them in the next couple of weeks most especially. Bonne chance mes amis!
-Jaime out.

1 comment:

Mrs. T said...

[thud] Excuse me while I pull myself off the floor from the comeback trampoline tour statement. I think you'd have to help Dima off the floor too. LOL! You know I'd be there in the front row at the competitions with Shawn & Noah cheering on Auntie Jaime!!! :)