Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

Yesterday was the holiday of Halloween, as most of you should know. Even with limited time and resources available this year, we were still able to pull off a decorated home to celebrate the occasion. Charlie and I even carved pumpkins at the eleventh hour, but we still made it.

We had a quite a few kids show up, including one group of at least 15 little grubbers! The majority of the kids were very polite and said "Trick or Treat!", but there were a few ungrateful, poor-mannered kids, who weren't nearly as fun to give candy treats to (eg: "Put the candy in the bag!").

My favorite part of the evening was when an innocent, blonde, 5-year old girl dressed as a Princess with her Barbie treat bucket said of our door decorations: "I like the blood on your door!" That cracked me up!

Below are pix of our house...note: we hope to improve greatly next year!
Jaime's Pumpkin (above)
Charlie's Pumpkin (above)


Mrs. T said...

Very spooky!! We didn't even do pumpkins this year!

Kathy said...

Wow! Great decorations. I am glad that you guys had a good time. Dont worry about the ungrateful kids; focus on the others. that is what makes Halloween so special!