Tuesday, July 12, 2011


...I can't help it. I'm a lost cause.

I deplore Billy Ray Cyrus and his re-emerging mullet.
And yet, this DOES. NOT. STOP. ME.

At the very first snippet of a 'reveal' from the commercial for that new show "Surprise Homecoming" on TLC (a show about deployed servicemen coming home as a surprise to their families)...you guessed it. I start boo-hooing like an idiot.

What's worse is this eye-watering happens every time I see the commercial. EVERY TIME. If you watch HGTV as often as I do, you obviously know that TLC commercials are like the plague on that network. I'm doomed.

1 comment:

Josh & Molly said...

Saw Billy Ray do an opening our our base here. Took a couple pics and you're right, that mullet is intense!