Monday, October 24, 2011


I remember when we went to Africa and I was all worried about contracting Yellow Fever and Malaria from mosquitos. It turned out there weren't very many mosquitos there (at the time at least) and I was so un-worried I began to adore their name for mosquitos, "mozzies". "Mozzie-spray" this and "mozzie coil" that... "Oh how cute!" I thought. Tee hee hee...

Ahhhhhhhhh mozzies. I remember why I dislike you, MANY!
The area I live in got a few inches of rain a few weeks ago and since it has "cooled off" to a balmy high of 85 only (yay!), the rain has stayed and the mozzies, they are-a-breedin'. It's a literal swarm of mozzies all over the dogs as they go outside for potty and it's a Marshik-family slap-fest when they get in.

The dogs are faring okay still, though their little legs (less hair) and faces (least hair) get bitten pretty frequently. The fat-juicy mozzies get smashed by Mama Marshik and it's bye-bye suckers! Mama Marshik is the entree du jour every time, probably because I'm so sweet. My feet and ankles and neck and arms have SO many bites, it's crazy.

I do think Texas mozzies are worse than MN ones. It's true folks, it's true. MN is a close second, but Texas takes the cake for big ol' skeeties.

I'm usually against sprays and chemicals and what have you, but in this case...SPRAY CITY SPRAYYYYYYY! They are supposed to be spraying the area I live in tonight, so let's hope it helps.

Our cooler temps are a welcome reprieve from the sweltering drought this summer season, and I am thrilled to be able to enjoy those temperatures :) I hope you are all enjoying this lovely autumn!

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