Sunday, October 28, 2007

Travel Tips ala Marshiks

- Keep your voice down when in public. There is never a need to shout, unless there's an emergency. No one wants to hear your casual conversations.
- Things abroad (rooms, seats, elevators) are not too small. You are, perhaps, too big.
- When feeding a city mascot, it is never appropriate to throw a peppermint candy at it, in lieu of real food.
- Sidewalks are for accommodating all people, not just the group you are traveling with. Please be considerate.
- If the place you are visiting does not regularly offer an item that is commonplace in your own town, they are not stupid and they are not wrong. You should also not feel the need to demand this item. It is rude as a guest in another country to suggest that someone should change the customs in that country because you refuse to respect their existing ones.
-Traveling is for experiencing the wonders of a new place and different culture. If you are not prepared to experience something new, please stay home.
...To be continued, I'm sure.


Mrs. T said...

Your last bullet point: "Traveling is for experiencing the wonders of a new place and different culture. If you are not prepared to experience something new, please stay home." is such a true statement. I know a few people that I would never travel to Europe with... You know who they are...

Kathy said...


Not me or daddy, I hope.