Thursday, October 9, 2008

An Embarrassing Sap

I just got home from watching the movie "Nights in Rodanthe" with a girlfriend of mine (yay Jen, we did it on a schoolnight!) and it was the worst movie of all time.
Why is this so you ask? Is it because it was a girl movie? Because it was Nicolas Sparks? Because Richard Gere is in it?


It is because the movie is only 1.5 hours and I cried for 1 hour of it.
Cried like a baby. People were in love and good lord nothing makes me weep like some good LOVE.

Embarrassingly I cry when people are in love, especially in movies. Sure it's usually romanticized and all that, but really - I am a romantic at heart. So when I see a movie about people married for 43 years and how the husband whose wife he just lost talks longingly about how her eyes were the deepest brown and so soft...I weep.

I do not weep for the longing of love, but I weep for the depth of love that I feel for my husband. For my loved ones, for my family. I have been gifted to be the recipient of so much love from those same people, that I wish for everyone else to have the same. I cannot love my husband more than I already do, and movie makes me love and appreciate the precious time we have in this life even more.

So I cry for love, for the ultimate future of loss, for the promise of a tomorrow with the person I can't imagine living without, and I cry especially for this run-on sentence...or at least LONG sentence.

Dang girly movies.

1 comment:

Josh & Molly said...

I hear ya sista! Ah..."The Notebook" much? Yeah. Weeped like a baby with a diaper filled with poo. POO I tell ya. Poo.