Friday, October 24, 2008

Voting Is a BIG Responsibility

I have spent the past two and a half hours of my day doing my pre-voting research.
It has been a frustrating, exhausting, not-as-informative-as-I-would-like-it-to-be search on candidates, their issues and especially the local BONDS initiative.

For those who live in Galveston County, there are 3 bond propositions that are on the table, ~$135M in proposals. After an hour of exhaustive searching, I found a website that gives the details of the initiatives, located here:
***PASS IT ON!***

I may be unique in that I've found it excruciatingly difficult to get any information, but I doubt it very much. I have not received ANY information from the county about these proposals and am very upset that it is so difficult to find bond information. I should not have had to search for an hour using creative word searching to find these...I am very disappointed in our local government for this and they will be hearing about it.

Dang it, it doesn't have to be this hard. It simply doesn't. No wonder people either don't vote or vote uninformed.

In an effort to make the voter an better-informed one, the local has a great search feature so you can see the ballot for your precinct. HOWEVER, it only shows the Republican or Democratic candidates, leaving out any other party. What a joke. It is possible to have someone who isn't a Republican or Democrat serve in office. Surely I am not the only one who recognizes this. Just because it isn't as likely to happen in the area we live in doesn't mean they don't deserve their due attention and respect. These are all people who are trying to make a least that is the hope.

I'm starting to lose faith in the human condition.
Please try to be informed, even a little, before making decisions about the people running your government.


Jen @ New Shade of Green said...

Thanks for the link.0 I'm in complete agreement with you - about the difficulty of finding dependable information, and the frustration of not being able to find info about candidates other than R & D. There are more than 2 political parties people!

John said...

I have always had a problem with the notion that he/she who spends the most money on a campaign wins, and the fact that trying to be informed about candidates, their ideas, and initiatives up for a vote seems next to impossible.

I also feel, that in TX, if you vote vote anything other than Republican you're seen as the devil and your vote might as well not count anyway. TX has been "Red" for a long time. But I will continue to vote whether it's for a Red, Blue, or some other color party's candidate.