Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fun Things

The spirit of Halloween is in the air and it's one of my favorite times of the year! I definitely love the candy part (fa sho!), but mostly I enjoy the decorating and silly celebrating that ensues.

We started the "Boo Bucket" tradition on our street this year and before I remembered to put up a sign on our door so we didn't receive one (and thusly have to make another round of them), we got one on our doorstep as well!! Charlie was a little out of sorts this year, so I made both buckets - thank you Dollar Store and Michaels! Aren't they cute?

In addition, I made my very first diaper cake for my friend's upcoming baby shower. The fabulous Erin Sholl (taught by none other than the crafty Beth Wilke) helped me put it together. For those that don't know, it's a bunch of diapers put together to look like a cake (vice a cake that looks like a diaper...). The baby's theme is a jungle theme with monkeys as the key ingredient. I think it turned out well for a first attempt!!