Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Koon-dogg and the Sollosi Christmas Miracle

This just in:
In an unexpected turn of events, our little nut-job, Kirby, gets to stay with her best friends ever in life Derek, Erika and little V Sollosi for the holidays! They graciously offered to spare her from the kennel for two weeks and we're dropping her off to a happy home tonight! It's a Christmas Miracle for K-dogg! Wheeeeeeeee!

She's been bathed and sprayed with doggie parfum, ready for her Holiday Camp filled with love, pets and baby smells. MMMMMM, baby smells. I know she's in for a real treat!

My Work Bestie, Lauren (yes, I used the word "bestie", thank you Lauren for that one) has offered to check in on Kirby after the Sollosi's drop her back at my place so they can enjoy their Christmas in Philly. Another blessing!

Are we a fortunate family or what?! Yes, yes we are! I am moved by our friend's generosity and kindness - it never ceases to amaze me how blessed we really are.

Have fun little K-biscuit and BE NICE, Santa's watching!

ps: Samdogg gets jipped and has to spend the holidays with us in cold-A-Minnesota. Someone should buy her a warm sweater or vest...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!