Saturday, December 12, 2009

We're a total joke....

So, this blog was supposed to be a great way to keep in touch, but we stink at it. We are a joke to the world of blogging.

I'm going to try to recite what's been missed in the past three months...or so:
1. We went to DC for Charlie's surprise birthday, it was awesome. DC was great and so was seeing our dear friends the Tobins (and their baby girl Andrea Ann). Will try to post pix soon.
2. Saw Kings of Leon in concert at the Toyota Center - awesome! Love love loved it!
3. My parents came to visit us here in Texas for a week. We went to Fredericksburg and visited the Hill Country wine country. We hit 3 of the twenty-some wineries and really had a good time. Will try to post pix soon (see a theme here?).
4. We went to MN the following week/end to visit. Had a great time with our friends and family. Saw Ryan McVizzle for dinner and Solera (hadn't been there since our wedding 4 years ago), mmmm. Went to the apple orchard with my sister and family/friends to pick apples and then had a great bonfire at her place! Saw Charlie's family too and that was really great! Will try to post pix soon (catching on yet?).
5. Charlie went to San Diego for drill in mid-November (no pix).
6. I worked a Space Shuttle flight.
7. Charlie went to NASA JPL for a work class for a week in early December.
8. I took my very last final exam ever in life on Thursday and am now done with school!

...and now for the holiday travels. We'll be in MN for just over a week with the Samdog seeing family and friends.

Back to your regularly scheduled blog-reading...

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