Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gosh Dawg, am I Tired!

So far we have fixed 16 posts in our backyard. Despite some advice against doing so, we backfilled the empty post-holes with concrete, especially the back ones with little to no support structure behind them. Next time, if the posts snap off altogether, then...we'll go get a new fence instead of fixing the super-crappy one we have now. What a PILE! There are more posts to put up and fence structure to mend, but my hands are callousing after 2 days of work and are pretty raw (I'm such a pansy).

I think it's on to homework for me now while Charlie goes to see if the Sholls need any help clearing their humongous tree that split in half. Hmmmm....homework or a nice bath with a bath bomb. I got these neat bath bombs (fizzy round bath balls) from Japan that have a little plastic toy inside of it and gave one to some of my girlfriends here. I think I'll keep the one with the quarter-sized octopus in it. How cute!

...anyway, no more yardwork today for this lady, I hope!

1 comment:

John said...

Hey, I could come over and help Charlie knock all of that out in a day. Our back fence is still standing after Ike. Why? Because we put concrete around each post, just like you're doing, AND because we put the posts 7' on center vs. 8'. Makes for a sturdier fence.