Monday, September 15, 2008


We drove home from San Antonio today in 4.5 hrs with a couple stops for gas top offs before Houston and several 4-way-stop stoplights.

Upon arriving home, we saw the damage to our fence and our big tree in the middle of the yard. After spending a couple hours putting up makeshift props for the fence and playing strongman with the tree - we are done for the night. No interior damage to the house, nor exterior (shingles/roof, siding, windows). Whew!! We made trips to our friend's homes to see their damage (slim to none - some tree branches down, a few shingles off, nothing major) and check for power. Little damage, but no power yet for them. We are fortunate to have some!

Gas is slim and groceries (read: perishables) are hard to come by. But we made it and are set for a while until things settle out here a bit. Likely tomorrow we'll be making the rounds to our friend's houses to check again to see if they have power.

For now, we're nestled in our own bed (yay) and waiting for tomorrow. We will likely be pouring concrete footings into the fenceposts to make them more stable and fixing some more leaning trees in our yard, as well as in our neighborhood. It was a pleasant surprise to see our neighborhood had already propped up some leaning trees with boards - way to go "The Glade"!!

Glad to be home, busy week ahead.
p.s.: work to "tentatively" resume on Thursday...we'll see!

p.p.s. The horses behind our house are busy eating right behind our bum fence. One even "escaped" from the farm and ended up next to our broken fence chomping on some tasty grass morsels...I love this place!

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