Thursday, September 11, 2008

San Anton...

We made it safely to San Antonio and are hanging out with the Sholls, Wilkes and Woods (Brent and Alicia!) families, plus their respective animal members.

We checked into the animal-friendly La Quinta, had lunch at a local park with Jason's Deli for sustinance, had a quick 1-hr nap, ate dinner at Macaroni Grill with server Ryan who hooked us "hurricane evacuees" up with 2 free MAGNUM bottles of house Chianti (pronounced "Chee-ann-ee", thank you Erin) and chocolate cake, played "Kings" card game in the breakfast area of LQ (Ace = "Cele-brace"), and now we're going to bed.

Hopefully all works out for the hurricane at home. Looks like it'll be a Category 3-ish when it hits near-er Galveston Bay on Saturday morning - forecast gets closer but reduced intensity at the moment...

Sometimes, even in the face of adversity, a forced vacation is the way to go!
All's well :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well I'm glad you evacuee's are having a nice time! :D

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the house to survive!!!

We love you guys!