Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Diet in Moscow

Every day for the past two weeks my diet has consisted of the following items in some combination:
Orange/Apple juice, fruit flavored yogurt (pear, cherry, mango, berry, kiwi, peach), hard boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes, small cheese wedges, noodles and tomato sauce, grapes, bananas, pizza, chocolates and ice cream.

Ah ha! You thought I was being all healthy until I mentioned those last three! Well, I am doing quite well in my diet, it just takes some thought and the Sedmoi Continent (7th Continent) grocery store. I also brought with me some Oodwalla bars, fiber bars and dried fruit bars for snacks, which have been supplementing my snackiness immensely. I have not eaten out as much as I thought, since I am working some funky hours for dining, but have managed to have some sushi (good), italian food and georgian food once as well. Mostly though, I'm brown-bagging it.

I am ashamed at what I'm about to say: I will admit that I miss my chai tea lattes from Starbucks. How very "Americansky" of me.

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