Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bat House

It's been a few weeks since the last post. The gardens are going strong in the green bean, zucchini and herb categories.

Most exciting of all, however, is that Charlie finally finished his bat house. Yes, a bat house. He's been talking about making and researching how to make bat houses for a long time. Mostly I think he just thinks bats are cool, BUT they have the added bonus of eating the heck outta some mosquitos, which on our end of the development by the path and rice creek...we have an over-abundance. So, go get 'em batties!

He constructed it out of custom wood pieces, plopped it on a 20 foot high swingarm and even gave it some custom bat decals so the bats would know where to go hang out. Ha! Hang out! Get it? Yessss! I knew you would! ahhhhh...

It's located by our 4 large gardens near the back of the yard and blends in quite well. So far though, no least we haven't seen any bat guano, so...that's all we can tell.

We're waiting for the STS-134 mission to launch and hope that happens in the coming week(s).

Late breaking news!!! Bat House pictures (and gratuitous garden and Kirby shots) discovered! Five pics in the slideshow:


Jen @ New Shade of Green said...

That is so cool! I want a bat house! I'm considering taking on some bee hives but my neighbor has some already so we already have hundreds of bees in our bushes (non-aggressive).

Please post pictures of your bat house :).

engineeringirl said...

Honey Badger likes larvae, but not bats...