Friday, January 30, 2009

Babies, Babies Everywhere!

Congratulations to Derek & Erika Sollosi on the birth of their first child, Veronika Helen. Pictures of the new Sollosi addition prove her to be as cute as a button, especially for a teeny, tiny pink thing :) I'm very excited for the both of them and I am sure Kirby would be equally as happy to welcome in their newest addition...though I'm sure she wouldn't know what to do with her (Sammie is the nurturing type).

This starts the first of the many babies to be born this year, to friends of mine. I think including Derek & Erika, I have 6 friends who are having babies this year so far. It's still early, so who knows how many more are to come!!

For those of you who are inevitably wondering, I do not plan to be with child this year. School now, babies much for my "first baby before 30" plan. And no, it's NOT STILL POSSIBLE - I repeat: School now, babies later :)

1 comment:

Mrs. T said...

So do big sisters count as friends too??? :D Roll on June 28th! Turnball 2 needs to get here!