Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sleeping and Working

That's all I do since I got here to Munich: sleep and work. By "sleep" I mean no more than 6 hours of the stuff and by "work" I mean crack it up with my coworker Eugene (Herr Schwanbecker if you want to get right down to it) for 10 hours, starting at 2am when our shift starts. I guess some eating is thrown in there, if you consider mawing down on meat and cheese snacks, plus some fruit, instant soup and chocolate, "eating". Maybe I'll come home a few pounds lighter? Maybe I'll just come home fat on some breakfast cheese.

Our meals at work here are 'catered' once a shift - our catering consists of meat and cheese and fruit and bread. Not bad, but as my cohort here says, "That's what I eat at home." Today when I got to work, there was some leftover hot soup with weiners in it. "The wein". It was a fine alternative to the coldcut scene, but still I ask for more. How ungrateful I must seem to all of those in need in this world.

After working 10 hours, Herr Schwanbecker and I went to get some S-Bahn Thai food (S-bahn is the local metro system). It was a crap shoot that this teensy place by the metro would be open on a Saturday (and that it would be tasty), but it was delish. I think we had some kind of cashew chicken food. The place only serves one dish per day, so you just get what they're serving. They even had these cute little soy sauce plastic fish containers that I think Eugene stole 17 of. They were cute though, worth fencing (sp?) for sure. Today the ride home from work was uneventful, since Eug and I were both fricking tired. Yesterday was hilarious riding home because we busted out in song the whole ride home. Speaking of songs, we sang a lovely duet today when we got to work - Pictures with Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock. Dang, we're good.

...but now I sit in my room, waiting for 3 or 4 o'clock to roll around so that I can go to bed. Only 2 more hours to go! I think I'll pop in a movie (the last one made me cry my eyes out and snivel like a child - "Away From Her" (2006)) and then hit the hay.

Favorite Words of the Day: Magnum P.I., McSteamy, D-bag

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