Monday, February 18, 2008

A Total Kloster

Kloster Andechs, that is. Two days in a row after our shift, Eugene and I went to Kloster Andechs in nearby Andechs, a short 10-15 min drive from the DLR/Columbus Control Center here in Oberpfaffenhofen. Kloster Andechs is a monestary in the middle of some farmland, but it is almost as famous for its home-brewed libations of dunkles (dark) and helles beer. I, of course, fancied the swanky Radler beer/lemonade .5L at a time. Eug went straight for the full 1L version. We sat in the brewery house, ate some fatty but decent pork roast and potato salad, swapped old war stories and laughed while we watched the other masses of locals eating HUGE pig knuckles and swilling the drink. It was quite a good time.

Since the weather here has been chilly, but relatively beautiful - sunny during the day, clear and starry at night - and we were hopped up on libations, Eug and I decided that we should take a walk through the nearby forest. After taking in some good scenery, I can't remember who decided (ahem, Eee-U-Genio) it would be a good idea to start scaling some nearby, steep hillside/cliffs. Granted, neither of us were prepared for romping through the forest, but especially not me. I had on my cheapo Sketcher flats and the forest was riddled with treachery - frickin' leafy hillsides, slippery iced rocks, unstable twigs and pebbles - I mean, it was brutal. Even so, we successfully scaled the cliffside and even found a waterfall nearby. It was pretty! Pretty amazing we didn't kill ourselves. Onlookers nearby must have thought we were completely nuts...their assessment was pretty spot on.

Anyway, we spent the next afternoon swilling brews on the sundeck as well, so I guess I found a favorite local hangout in a circa 1455 monestary. I'd probably go there everyday if I could - I bet you never thought you'd hear me say that...

Favorite Words of the Day: Radler, Walrus, Spritely

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