Thursday, February 21, 2008

Back Home

Yaaaay! I returned home from Germany after traveling 21 hrs, Tuesday evening. I got to see my hubbie and my puppies and sleep in my own bed. Mmmmm, sleep.

As I sit and reflect about my time in Germany, I realize I have many good memories to hold on to. This is the measure of a good thing, I think. I would definitely go back for work and definitely return to Munich again - I like it there.

I forgot to mention that I went to Dachau one afternoon with Eugene, after shift. It was an... experience. If you've never been to a concentration camp before, it is really a moving experience. What the people went through, their oppression, torture, sadness...all very important to see once in your life if you can. It really made me appreciate the wonderful life I am blessed to have. I'll post a pic or two when I can.

In addition to that, the mission ended successfully, we had a post-undocking party at a local restaurant in Steinebach and said goodbye to my new friends at ESA. The plane ride home was pretty fun - I sat next to Eugene and little did I know, but Delta's in-flight entertainment system has a trivia game in it! You can play like you do at the bar: type in a name, play against other players in different seats and win points. We tag-teamed this guy named "GJ" in seat 40E (?) who was schooling us and finally won a round. There were high-fives and hoots of glee all over the place! Then "EEE" stepped in and gave us what for. Talk about good times! I will have to remember that for the next time I fly Delta overseas.

Since I've been home I did some homework, laundry, dog-petting and now I'm watching another round of 2.5 hrs of class. It never ends and always stinks. Please let this semester pass without too much more agony...

Oh yeah - my 29th bday was yesterday. I got wishes of happiness and prosperity from a whole bunch of friends and family - it is really nice to know how much I am loved. Charlie and I watched the Bourne Ultimatum and I fell asleep during it. I'll try again today, I think. I did get a gift certificate for a massage, which I am super excited about. How nice!

...and that's all I can think of. Oh yeah, one more thing. For Valentine's Day charlie emailed my coworkers in Germany (1 of which he didn't even know) and asked that they pick me up some flowers for the occasion. Both of them did and voila! It was very thoughtful and super sweet.

...okay, that's my life story.

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