Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend & Dock Dogs

This weekend was our last weekend o' freedom, since school begins on Weds for Charlie and me. It was a good weekend! Yesterday we took Sammie to the dog park nearby where a young, big, furry dog chased her around at full speed for quite some time. Yessssss! Wear that baby out! Her friend Cosmo was there (our friend Erin, too) for the first time at said dog park and so that was a good experience (I hope) too. We did the dog park stuff for a while, then planned on doing some quick landscaping and then hitting the neighborhood pool.

On our way home it was pouring rain, so we nixed the pool, but went to get some dirt for the backyard anyhoo. Charlie worked diligently outside with the dirt (fun fun fun) and I ...I don't remember what I did (probably not much :). We hit the grocery store and got some grub, Charlie made fajitas, we had some ice cream and hit the sack.

Today I woke to Charles Raymond making his famous pancackes with bananas and chopped walnuts, with blueberry syrup. Mmmmmmm! They are so tasty!!! I contributed a fruit bowl with strawberries, peaches, yogurt and chopped walnuts and we sat down and had the breakfast. Afterward we took Sammie to downtown Houston so she could see what the city life was all about...she is a city girl. So many tasty...I mean "interesting" birds to chase...I mean watch. Good stuff!! There was a "Dock Dog" competition happening at the relatively new Discovery Green Park right across from the George R. Brown Convention Center. It's a nice setup they've got there - some fun art, neat lawn areas for events and concerts...all in all I was impressed that H-town could come up with and execute something that nice. Not bad!...there are even some trees!! Anyhoo, Charlie got and forwarded an email to me about this dog thing last weekend. It's the kind of event where an above-ground platform is lined up with an above-ground pool and a dog will run off the end of the platform and jump as far as they can into the pool. It's a distance competition. I've always wanted to see one live, so I took the chance and ran with it! Sammie was not impressed with the jumping dogs, but I sure was. One jumped 21 feet, all to chase a tennis ball! ...which brings me to a funny part of the day.

The guy whose dog won the "semi-pro" (really, how "pro" can your dog be?) competition would throw a tennis ball for his dog to jump after. Some people threw fake ducks, some threw other rubber toys. This guy, for some reason chose the tennis ball. His throws, however, weren't all that great. One particular time - the winning time, I believe - was when the crowd that had gathered around the poolside (kids, families, dogs, you name it) pulled in tightly. He chucked the tennis ball all the way across the pool, Rover jumped and BING!!! the ball ricocheted off some little kid's forehead and bounced out of the pool area. I was laughing so hard. So was this kid's Dad! The little boy was fine, but he did not think the incident was as funny as everyone else did. Ahhhhh, good times.

After hours sweating in the sunshiney dog-ness, we took Sammie home, had a 30 minute nap, ate Sushi Coast (delish!) with some friends and are now getting ready for bed.

Great weekend! I hope yours was worth it also :)

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